



1位 働くママ・パパからの味評価No1獲得!安心の手作り惣菜【わんまいる】

  1. 「旬産旬消」にこだわり、社長自らが毎日チェックする厳しい品質管理
  2. 手作りおかずセット「健幸ディナー」は国産食材100%、合成保存料・合成着色料不使用
  3. 1食(主菜1品 副菜2品)で平均400kcal以下、塩分3.5g以下とヘルシー
  4. 商品1品1品が個食包装で、調理は湯せんまたは流水解凍と簡単

2位 食材宅配サービス申込【らでぃっしゅぼーや】

  1. 信頼のブランド: 35年以上の宅配サービスの実績と信頼
  2. 安心の食材: 有機・低農薬野菜、無添加食品を厳選
  3. お得な特典: 初回8週間の配送料無料、最大36ヶ月156週のベビー特典
  4. 食材の提案: 毎週おすすめの食材をご提案、自由に選択可能
  5. メディア紹介: ヒルナンデス!やカンブリア宮殿、めざましテレビでの紹介実績

3位 ★YOSHIKEI★4つの選べるミールキットお試し5days \全国で好評販売中/

  1. 長年の実績: 40年以上の経験と信頼、日々約50万世帯への宅配
  2. 栄養バランス: 栄養士監修による献立で、健康的な食生活をサポート
  3. 手間なし: 必要な食材を使い切りの量だけお届け、レシピも簡単に理解できる
  4. お試しキャンペーン: 最大2人用55%OFF、最大3人用約66%OFF








■ 忙しくて料理する時間がないとき、私が実践した方法










※"Say goodbye to time constraints with our recipe and grocery delivery service - Click now for delicious convenience!"

■ Not Enough Time to Cook? Here's How to Say It in English

Feeling Overwhelmed with Busy Schedules?

Are you finding it hard to fit cooking into your hectic schedule? Are you struggling to find enough time to prepare your meals?

Expressing Not Having Enough Time to Cook

When you need to express that you don't have enough time to cook, you can say:

"I don't have time to cook."

"I'm too busy to cook."

"I wish I had more time to prepare meals."

Food Options for Busy Days

When you don't have enough time to cook a full meal, you can opt for:

- Quick and easy recipes with minimal ingredients

- Pre-made meals that can be heated up in minutes

- Healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, and vegetables

Final Thoughts

Don't let a busy schedule stop you from eating healthy meals. With a bit of planning and creativity, you can still enjoy nutritious food even on your busiest days.


■ 慌ただしい日々に…












■ Quick Solutions for When You Don't Have Time to Cook

1. Meal prep on weekends

Planning ahead and cooking meals in advance can save time during the week. Spend a few hours on the weekend to prepare meals for the week.

2. Use a slow cooker

A slow cooker can save you time and energy, allowing you to cook meals while you're away. Simply add the ingredients in the morning and have a warm meal waiting for you in the evening.

3. Try one-pot meals

One-pot meals are quick to prepare and require minimal cleanup. Try recipes like stir-fries, pasta dishes, or soups.

4. Utilize convenience foods

There are many healthy convenience foods available, such as pre-cut vegetables, canned beans, and frozen pre-cooked grains. Incorporate these into your meals for a quick and easy option.

5. Order takeout or delivery

Sometimes, ordering takeout or delivery is the best option when you're short on time. Look for healthy options on the menu and enjoy a stress-free meal.

With these tips, you can still enjoy a healthy meal even when you don't have time to cook.

※"When time is tight, don't sacrifice flavor! Try our recipe and ingredient delivery service today." (「時間がないときでも、味を犠牲にしないでください!今すぐ私達のレシピ&食材宅配サービスをお試しください。」)

■ 料理する時間がない人必見!忙しい日でも手軽に食事を楽しむ方法










■ Master Quick and Easy Cooking with These Simple Tips

Don't let lack of time stop you from cooking delicious meals

No time to cook? Try prepping ingredients in advance and using time-saving kitchen tools.

Short on groceries? Make do with what you have by substituting ingredients and getting creative.

Feeling uninspired? Look up new recipes online or join a cooking community for fresh ideas.

Don't forget about leftovers! Turn them into new dishes or freeze for future meals.

With these tips, cooking can fit into any busy schedule. 🍳👨‍🍳

■ How to Express "No Time to Cook" in English

1. Out of Time to Cook? Try These Phrases

If you're pressed for time, you can say "I don't have time to cook" or "I'm too busy to cook" to convey your inability to prepare a meal.

Tip: Use "pressed for time" to emphasize how tight your schedule is.

2. Running Late? Here's How to Say It

If you're running behind schedule, say "Sorry, I'm running late. Can we grab takeout instead?"

Tip: Use "behind schedule" to stress that you're not just a little late but seriously delayed.

3. In a Rush? Say it Like This

If you're in a rush, let your friends know by saying "I have to eat on the go today" or "I need something quick to eat."

Tip: Use "in a rush" to convey a sense of urgency.

4. Need to Fake It? Here's a Handy Phrase

If you need to fake it and make it sound like you cooked, say something like "I'm having leftovers tonight" or "I'm reheating some frozen food."

Tip: Use "reheating" to clarify that you didn't cook from scratch.

5. Too Tired to Cook? Say it Like This

If you're too tired to cook, say "I don't have the energy to cook" or "I just want to relax and order in."

Tip: Use "too tired" to emphasize your exhaustion and need for a break from cooking.

※"When time is scarce, let us bring the groceries and recipes to your doorstep. Say goodbye to cooking stress with our recipe and ingredient delivery service!"


1位 働くママ・パパからの味評価No1獲得!安心の手作り惣菜【わんまいる】

  1. 「旬産旬消」にこだわり、社長自らが毎日チェックする厳しい品質管理
  2. 手作りおかずセット「健幸ディナー」は国産食材100%、合成保存料・合成着色料不使用
  3. 1食(主菜1品 副菜2品)で平均400kcal以下、塩分3.5g以下とヘルシー
  4. 商品1品1品が個食包装で、調理は湯せんまたは流水解凍と簡単

2位 食材宅配サービス申込【らでぃっしゅぼーや】

  1. 信頼のブランド: 35年以上の宅配サービスの実績と信頼
  2. 安心の食材: 有機・低農薬野菜、無添加食品を厳選
  3. お得な特典: 初回8週間の配送料無料、最大36ヶ月156週のベビー特典
  4. 食材の提案: 毎週おすすめの食材をご提案、自由に選択可能
  5. メディア紹介: ヒルナンデス!やカンブリア宮殿、めざましテレビでの紹介実績

3位 ★YOSHIKEI★4つの選べるミールキットお試し5days \全国で好評販売中/

  1. 長年の実績: 40年以上の経験と信頼、日々約50万世帯への宅配
  2. 栄養バランス: 栄養士監修による献立で、健康的な食生活をサポート
  3. 手間なし: 必要な食材を使い切りの量だけお届け、レシピも簡単に理解できる
  4. お試しキャンペーン: 最大2人用55%OFF、最大3人用約66%OFF



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